Sunday, July 11, 2010

Loveeeee Rains... :)

How beautiful is the rain....Rain can evoke a lot of feelings within us including love and hope. When I was younger, I remember we used to sing the song “Rain, rain, go away, come again another day, little girls want to play.” We would sing it until my dad finally let us play and dance in the rain.

As an element of nature, rain can be as powerful as it is beautiful. I remember last year when the rain flooded a lot of houses and left people here homeless. However, you can still marvel at its beauty and the hope it symbolizes. Imagine if there was no rain. The fields would be dry and the earth would be thirsty. Lovers wouldn’t be able to dance in the rain or share an umbrella together

1 comment:

  1. I agree with the last few words... but i am sure they enjoy it together at least once or twice.. walking in or driving in..


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